So, I'm officially unemployed one week as of today. But I'm back here in the office working for about half of what I should be making. Because it's money. And I need it. Besides - I can job hunt online at work.
The OMGwhenwillIhave$$comingin? is still scary, but I can get used to sleeping in, working when I want, and getting things done at home. The garden looks great, I found lots of new little critters in the pond, and stuff is getting done at home.
I'll be back here at work again Monday. After that who knows? Time to hit the pavement. But first, another three-day weekend. :)
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
It's about ready!
The garden, that is. We spent the weekend weeding and measuring and digging and putting down weed block and the garden is almost ready for plants. We just need to finish the fence. Damn deer took it out last summer. We have a silt fence up around the lower half - we just have to secure the posts and string twine for the upper part and then Mr. bunny has to put the door on. He built this great door frame for the corner of the garden - now it will be so much easier to get in and out. For us, not the deer. They have to stay out.
I'm planning to get plants and put them in this weekend. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and collard greens. Plus seeds for peas and lettuce. And flowers, but I don't know which kind yet until I see them.
We've added two new bird feeders - a finch feeder and a hummingbird feeder. Hopefully we'll attract some new birdies this weekend.
Mr. B. came up with a cute name for the lone goose who's been hanging around - "Slappy Feet" - because of the way his feet slap when he walks around. He knows we feed him now - we bring bread out for him almost every morning - so when he sees the front door open he comes running. He was a gosling last summer and the neighbor's dog got hold of him and tore his wing. He wasn't able to fly south, so he's been hanging out all winter. You can still see that his wing is damaged, but he's done all right for himself.
We also have two goose couples in the yard - one childless couple and another couple with two babies. They're so cute! I'm going to try to get some pictures this weekend if they don't run away from me too fast.
I'm planning to get plants and put them in this weekend. Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and collard greens. Plus seeds for peas and lettuce. And flowers, but I don't know which kind yet until I see them.
We've added two new bird feeders - a finch feeder and a hummingbird feeder. Hopefully we'll attract some new birdies this weekend.
Mr. B. came up with a cute name for the lone goose who's been hanging around - "Slappy Feet" - because of the way his feet slap when he walks around. He knows we feed him now - we bring bread out for him almost every morning - so when he sees the front door open he comes running. He was a gosling last summer and the neighbor's dog got hold of him and tore his wing. He wasn't able to fly south, so he's been hanging out all winter. You can still see that his wing is damaged, but he's done all right for himself.
We also have two goose couples in the yard - one childless couple and another couple with two babies. They're so cute! I'm going to try to get some pictures this weekend if they don't run away from me too fast.
So Mr. Bunny was unsure as to whether or not to go to his nephew's graduation until I reminded him of how much Mark busted ass to get his degree. So we drove up.
It didn't take as long as I expected - only about 3 1/2 hours. Saw lots of fishermen on the way. I drove until just past Binghamton and then he took over.
It was fun to see everyone, especially since it was a happy event. It was nice to see Mark walk across the stage at the convocation. We walked around campus afterwards and took pictures, none of which I have downloaded yet.
Mr. B and I went to the mall and had dinner and then went back to our hotel. I got a kick out of the "No fish or hip waiters allowed in hotel" sign. That and the fact that there was a duty-free shop across the street, we were that close to Canuckistan.
Sunday was COLD! We had breakfast at Mark's apartment and then walked to the dome for graduation. Joe Biden was the guest speaker - I thought they'd have much more security than they did. I've had a tougher time bringing a bag into Yankee Stadium. The ceremony was nice, but long. We went out to brunch afterwards and then back to Mark's for a nap. We went to the mall later with Lisa, Debbie and big Mark and shopped until they closed. I got some nice magazines at Borders.
We had originally planned to leave before dinner, but Mr. B was having fun with his family, so I said we could stay if he drove home. The restaurant was great and we had such fun with the family! It was worth the late night just to hear Linda make fun of Paul with his ipod by saying "If that thing had a vagina he'd marry it!"
I think we got home around 2. Or something. Anyway I can't believe he graduated already. Seems like it was only last year he was starting out as a freshman.
It didn't take as long as I expected - only about 3 1/2 hours. Saw lots of fishermen on the way. I drove until just past Binghamton and then he took over.
It was fun to see everyone, especially since it was a happy event. It was nice to see Mark walk across the stage at the convocation. We walked around campus afterwards and took pictures, none of which I have downloaded yet.
Mr. B and I went to the mall and had dinner and then went back to our hotel. I got a kick out of the "No fish or hip waiters allowed in hotel" sign. That and the fact that there was a duty-free shop across the street, we were that close to Canuckistan.
Sunday was COLD! We had breakfast at Mark's apartment and then walked to the dome for graduation. Joe Biden was the guest speaker - I thought they'd have much more security than they did. I've had a tougher time bringing a bag into Yankee Stadium. The ceremony was nice, but long. We went out to brunch afterwards and then back to Mark's for a nap. We went to the mall later with Lisa, Debbie and big Mark and shopped until they closed. I got some nice magazines at Borders.
We had originally planned to leave before dinner, but Mr. B was having fun with his family, so I said we could stay if he drove home. The restaurant was great and we had such fun with the family! It was worth the late night just to hear Linda make fun of Paul with his ipod by saying "If that thing had a vagina he'd marry it!"
I think we got home around 2. Or something. Anyway I can't believe he graduated already. Seems like it was only last year he was starting out as a freshman.
Fifth one! This is how it all started five years ago. Lisa and I went to MDSW in 2004 and I saw a woman spinning wool on a drop spindle. I bought my first spindle - a Louet student spindle - and she gave me some wool with it. I thought it would be fun to keep on the end table and spin once in a while. Now look what happened.
Five years later I'm teaching two spinning classes, running a spinning meetup group and can no longer walk in my "walk in" closet for all the fiber and yarn in there. And yet I'm off to buy more.
I took the train to Philly Friday night where Lisa picked me up and we went to an awesome restaurant for dinner. Best butternut squash ravioli ever!
The next morning, Sheba and her new BF Ranxez picked us up (after I gave them the wrong address - oops!) and we went down to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Yeah, I know I was just at CTSW last weekend - never mind that. It was raining on the way down, but it stopped once we parked the car and didn't rain the rest of the day.
We got in the tee shirt line first since I figured the selection would be better earlier. I taught a woman how to ply-on-the-fly while we were waiting in line.
I stopped by the Ravelry party and the first person I met was GrimReaper and her husband - an LSGer from Philly. We finally found the LSG crowd and I got to meet a whole lot of cool bitches I chat online with regularly, like PoorLuci, Lizardsmells and Eudyptula.

I left the Rav party and shopped for a while before catching up with Lisa again. I went to Retroknit's book signing and got her book - Vintage Baby Knits - which is awesome! The Lisa and I split for a bit and I caught up to Sheba and Ranxez (who is incredibly nice, BTW) and Sheba's friend Dan came by. We've stayed at Dan & Marni's house in previous years, since they're only 20 minutes from the fairgrounds. I ended up giving another spinning lesson to a little girl and her mom while were were just hanging out talking.
We stayed not quite until the end. I didn't photograph my stash enhancements, but I did get:
- some purple Paca-Peds sock yard
- multicolor dyed mohair roving
- Noro Kureyon (to make the Fake Isle hat I saw the girl making at CTSW)
- a 40" size 4 addi turbo to do my Socks That Rock on magic loop (some of you have no idea what that means)
- some beautiful brown suri-boo (suri alpaca and bamboo)
- Some brown and purple cormo roving
Note I did not buy the OMGSOFUCKINGCUTE baby angora bunnies that I had to go back and pet three times. That's because they were all sold already.
We left the fair and dropped Lisa back at her house and Ranxez insisted on driving me home. To Rockland. Even though they would have to turn around and drive an hour south again to go home. Super nice guy. I'm really happy for Sheba!
Well, that's it for the fiber fairs until fall.
Five years later I'm teaching two spinning classes, running a spinning meetup group and can no longer walk in my "walk in" closet for all the fiber and yarn in there. And yet I'm off to buy more.
I took the train to Philly Friday night where Lisa picked me up and we went to an awesome restaurant for dinner. Best butternut squash ravioli ever!
The next morning, Sheba and her new BF Ranxez picked us up (after I gave them the wrong address - oops!) and we went down to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Yeah, I know I was just at CTSW last weekend - never mind that. It was raining on the way down, but it stopped once we parked the car and didn't rain the rest of the day.
We got in the tee shirt line first since I figured the selection would be better earlier. I taught a woman how to ply-on-the-fly while we were waiting in line.
I stopped by the Ravelry party and the first person I met was GrimReaper and her husband - an LSGer from Philly. We finally found the LSG crowd and I got to meet a whole lot of cool bitches I chat online with regularly, like PoorLuci, Lizardsmells and Eudyptula.
I left the Rav party and shopped for a while before catching up with Lisa again. I went to Retroknit's book signing and got her book - Vintage Baby Knits - which is awesome! The Lisa and I split for a bit and I caught up to Sheba and Ranxez (who is incredibly nice, BTW) and Sheba's friend Dan came by. We've stayed at Dan & Marni's house in previous years, since they're only 20 minutes from the fairgrounds. I ended up giving another spinning lesson to a little girl and her mom while were were just hanging out talking.
We stayed not quite until the end. I didn't photograph my stash enhancements, but I did get:
- some purple Paca-Peds sock yard
- multicolor dyed mohair roving
- Noro Kureyon (to make the Fake Isle hat I saw the girl making at CTSW)
- a 40" size 4 addi turbo to do my Socks That Rock on magic loop (some of you have no idea what that means)
- some beautiful brown suri-boo (suri alpaca and bamboo)
- Some brown and purple cormo roving
Note I did not buy the OMGSOFUCKINGCUTE baby angora bunnies that I had to go back and pet three times. That's because they were all sold already.
We left the fair and dropped Lisa back at her house and Ranxez insisted on driving me home. To Rockland. Even though they would have to turn around and drive an hour south again to go home. Super nice guy. I'm really happy for Sheba!
Well, that's it for the fiber fairs until fall.
We've been hearing them for days when we get home at night - chirp chirp chirp - out by the pond. So on Sunday we took a walk around the pond. First we spotted a baby turtle sitting on one of the fallen trees. He was tiny!
As we continued around the pond and into the woods it got muddy. We had to keep walking farther out from the pond to avoid the mud and we kept hearing them sing in the heat - it sounded like a loose fan belt on a rainy day - just a continuous squeak.
And then we found the other pond. It was a small pond off of a secondary pond off of the big pond. And it had about 30 frogs in it - swimming around, hopping up on rocks and playing. Some of them were puffing out their necks to attract the ladies. We sat and watched them for close to an hour. Sorry, no pics. :(
As we continued around the pond and into the woods it got muddy. We had to keep walking farther out from the pond to avoid the mud and we kept hearing them sing in the heat - it sounded like a loose fan belt on a rainy day - just a continuous squeak.
And then we found the other pond. It was a small pond off of a secondary pond off of the big pond. And it had about 30 frogs in it - swimming around, hopping up on rocks and playing. Some of them were puffing out their necks to attract the ladies. We sat and watched them for close to an hour. Sorry, no pics. :(
Connecticut Sheep, Wool and Fiber Festival
I picked up Dawn and Cathy at the Darien train station and we drove up to Vernon, CT for the CT Sheep, Wool and Fiber Festival. It was small, but I've decided that's a good thing. For one, you could actually get into a booth and look at stuff because it wasn't crowded. No long lines for food or bathrooms either. And we were able to see the whole thing before noon.
The other plus of a fair this size is you don't break the bank because there aren't as many places to spend your $$ as in a big fair. :)
This baby goat was adorable! They had him behind the counter in a rubbermaid container. His sweater was a sleeve that was cut off of a sweatshirt.

So here's what I scored:
- the last red CTSW tee shirt
- Some purple/Teal dyed silk caps
- Purple/pink merino/tencel
- Grey Icelandic
- Seafoam alpaca/angelina (although the label says "mauve" 0_O)
- White cormo/alpaca/bunny
- a wooden bunny diz (see it on top of the silk caps?)
Also not pictured is a grey cotswold/barbados fleece I purchased for $8 and dropped at a mill to process into batts for another $12. I'll probably get it back in time for Rhinebeck in the fall. It's a short staple, but I had to try the Barbados, since that was the sheep that wandered into my yard in Spring Valley on Christmas Eve 5 years ago.

Cathy scored a dye kit and some yummy suri!
Dawn wins, having scored the most stuff! Including some new Goldings and a beautiful cormo/alpaca fleece that is almost pure white.

Here's a close up of the fleece, which she was nice enough to share with Cathy and me. :)
We decided to bring the group back next year - we'll do the fair in the AM and then hit WEBS in the afternoon.
The other plus of a fair this size is you don't break the bank because there aren't as many places to spend your $$ as in a big fair. :)
So here's what I scored:
- the last red CTSW tee shirt
- Some purple/Teal dyed silk caps
- Purple/pink merino/tencel
- Grey Icelandic
- Seafoam alpaca/angelina (although the label says "mauve" 0_O)
- White cormo/alpaca/bunny
- a wooden bunny diz (see it on top of the silk caps?)
Also not pictured is a grey cotswold/barbados fleece I purchased for $8 and dropped at a mill to process into batts for another $12. I'll probably get it back in time for Rhinebeck in the fall. It's a short staple, but I had to try the Barbados, since that was the sheep that wandered into my yard in Spring Valley on Christmas Eve 5 years ago.
Cathy scored a dye kit and some yummy suri!
Here's a close up of the fleece, which she was nice enough to share with Cathy and me. :)
We decided to bring the group back next year - we'll do the fair in the AM and then hit WEBS in the afternoon.
Friday, May 8, 2009
First Game at the New Stadium

Sunday, April 19
Finally! My first game at the new stadium! While I still think the Steinbrenners are asshats for moving out of the House That Ruth Built, I have to admit the new ball park is nice. There are so many more escalators/concession stands/bathrooms that there are hardly lines for anything.
But $9 for a fucking Coors Light? Really? I asked the beer vendor loudly "Aren't you gonna kiss me first?" I've since learned that Beers Around the World is right near my seats on the grandstand level and it's so worth the extra $2 for a Guinness instead.
The guys who have the seats next to mine - Angel and Kevin - are pretty cool. We had some good laughs - especially about how the premium seats are mostly empty while the grandstand and bleachers are packed. It shows where the real fans are.
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